Messi Video Rating: 4 / 5
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For all fans of Lionel Messi
Messi Video Rating: 4 / 5
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sorry im on my bros account
talent wise hmmm well yes u are right messi is higher in talent but i believe that hardwork can surpass talent but unfortunately for ronaldo messi works hard and is talented unlike other people. messi does not score enough headers for u to say they are accurate so ronaldo wins on that part but we can agree to disagree
Yes, Messi heads. His Heads are accurate, More accurate than Ronaldo’s. Any way, Ronaldo never scored by chiping in his life. Ronaldo depends on his strength. Strength is no talent. I can grow me self some muscles and call my self better. Ronaldo, Messi are both effective. But its all about talent thats why Messi is better.
yes he is better than ronaldo at dribbling by a long shot so he can dribble through four or five players and score and thats why he is more effective but being complete is won by ronaldo. he can score from long range, score headers, free kicks, penalties, and he has even started contributing with assists. btw i am not gonna use the messi can only play in barca argument cos tbh its a bit sad that thats all people can say cos there is other things they can say
i am being reasonable. Did u just say heads??? im sure thats a typo cos u are being reasonable. chests?? really mate name me a football player who cant chest. even i can chest a ball. ronaldo cant chip?? well ok i will give u that cos he hasnt done that. messi score from long range?? again another typo im sure cos u are being reasonable. won 3 ballon d`ors yes indded he has and as i said that is because he is more effective. the fact is he is much better than ronaldo continue in the next comment
Ronaldo doesnt know how to chip a ball. Messi can score from long rang, chips, heads, fouls, penalties, chests, and also dribbling goals. Messi is much more complete. And the best part is that he won 3 ballon door. So PLZ, you try to be reasonable.!!!
Where is Messi vs Milan home?
Common folks second song’s name
Yeah thats the first thing I was thinking when I saw, at last we’ve seen him dancing as well, ahahah
I think it sounds great, especially at the start when Messi is sort of dancing to the beat! 😛
Messi is legend but you destroyed him with some funky music.
bitch plz have u seen how many chances ronaldo creates and how many benzema and co miss. why dont u try being reasonable unlike everyone else and bitches ronaldo is more complete but messi is more effective hence better
messi got ankles of steel, he’s ankles been kicked and stepped on so many times and he hasn’t sustain any serious injuries to it yet.
Fucking fag just look a bit higher: you were the one who compares messi with ibra and cr7 first you dumb ass! Honestly don’t be angry you just got OWNED, it happens to everybody, to me it’s once in a lifetime but to you it seems to be more like once in a day IDIOT!!!!
gay-naldo ? very original you fucking retard ronaldo is just as good as messi but ibra is a lazy cunt.
ronaldo v barcelona away 11-12 6 minutes long…
come on ..why so serious?
Are you being serious?
I have 20 minutes long clip of Messi fucking your girlfriend in her ass, wana see that??? fucking cunt, dont even think of comparing Messi with gay-naldo, or flapovic. Messi rule the planet
fuck you fuck you fuck you and fuck inter fuck madrid fuck mourinho fuck gay-naldo fuck you again and again and again. fuck canada and fuck all canadian on earth with their bitch ass cunts. God bless USA
What is the song name or if there are two songs what is the second one?
Dumbest shit Ive ever read.