Messi Video clip Score: 4 / five
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For all fans of Lionel Messi
Messi Video clip Score: 4 / five
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last song name Bodybangers – IL DIVINO
Messi vs Zaragoza please LionelMessi10i ^^
best player in the world, no one is better than he is
06:07 “Fenomeno” 🙂
Song Names ? PLZ.
6:58 what kind of sorcery is this ?
Nah. Maybe he had more explosive acceleration, but Messi is more physically powerful today. Before, you wouldn’t really expect Messi to breeze past defenders using only speed, but he can do that now. And he does it, quite frequently. We saw it today against Milan, for the first goal, he knocked it past Mexes, and completely out sprinted him to the ball. Mexes ain’t no speed demon, but he gained around 3 yards on him in only a few seconds. He’s also done it against Abate, Italy’s fastest defender
I think messi was faster when he was younger.
I used to be as good as him, until I took an arrow to my knee 🙂
Awesome. He is simply the best.
In my whole life I have never seen a players so secure as xavi and xabi.. so accurate passing, contorl of game tempo and tackling, especialy standing tackling.. Martinez is good.. very good player.. but trust me, and trust Del Bosque.. Xabi alonso deserve a place in first team of Spain..
Stupid statement because it all depends on the opponent. If Messi doesnt need to dribble and make these fantastic runs we are used to, why should he? Its just a risk for injuries. Then there is also the fact that Messi has played like 55 games in total from the beginning of august (club and country) every third day with not much rest and had basically no break during the summer. His dribbling is not getting weaker in anyway, he is just playing smarter to avoid fatigue and injuries
In my opinion Messi was always faster than Pedro
javi martinez is so good aswell as busquets(who is often overlooked) i think the two will lead a very strong spain Midfield or even in CB
Best footballer ever, always involved in the build-ups to pretty much every goal Barcelona scores. His goals an assists this year are nothing short of damn spectacular.
The Best !
zlatan ibrahimovic stated today that messi is better than ronaldo due to his natural ability as ronaldo trained to get wear he is today!! ronaldo is more complete in the fact he can use both feet but zlatan then said that messi can do more with one foot than ronaldo can do with two feet 🙂 zlatan then ended the interview by saying that if messi had 2 feet as good as each other there is no piont turning up we would have a serious problem then :L
yeah i agree with everything you said apart from messi struggled against bilbao that man is the best ever…. and he plays very week no breaks!!! javi martinez is not in messi’s class and if messi didnt play well its down to lack of rest not that another player is better then him cause that is a joke if anyone thinks that… but you do know your stuff and you said it very well i must say so myself :)
I couldn’t watch this game cause I had a family event but so happy I have videos like this to watch that catch me up on most of the game, thank you.
Messi is getting weaker in his dribble than last year. Messi is mostly focusing on scoring goals this season
What does Messi do, dedicates a goal to Soufian, a 10-year-old Moroccan boy with Laurin Sandrow syndrome, a rare medical condition that can eventually lead to the loss of the lower extremities., and then takes time off and comes and plays with him, what a humanitarian, meanwhile in Madrid, That douch is busy making stupid celebrations that show off his legs, Messi for life, don’t get me started on his football, its a disgrace to hear Ronaldo matching up to Messi